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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pay it forward challenge for 2010!

Can you help someone in need??
The answer to this is yes you can! Even in the smallest way we can all do something to be helpful to another. Have you ever wondered "how can I help?"
We see and hear about so many who are troubled and hurting these days but perhaps we just don't know what we can do to make a difference? I am creating this blog as an opportunity to find ways to help those in need and perhaps receive some much needed help yourself. This is not about making money or some get rich scam. This is about truly helping someone with nothing expected in return. The greatest thing is that you will receive something better than money in return. Self respect and a feeling that even in a small way you have done your part. It's amazing how addictive this feeling can become. Just wait and see.
So here we go... if you have a need please post that need and be sure to let others know where you are geographically and how you can be contacted. NO SPAM or business advertising here people this is a place to give and receive help only. If you see a need here and can help please contact that person and help them in any way you can. Let us know that they were helped by posting a comment so we can all see and hear about it.
Every time someone is helped we can all rejoice and share in that moment together. It helps us to have faith in humanity and gives hope to those who feel there is no one out there to help them.
I got the idea for this blog from my day to day work. I am an eligibility specialist and have a caseload of over 1000 customers who need food stamps and medicaid. I see the need daily and here the desperation in voices constantly. Many are at the end of their rope.. They feel there is no help for them. Sadly in many cases there are just not enough county funds to help everyone with all of their needs. This is where we step in and help our fellow brothers and sisters.
Can you buy someone on a fixed disability income a gallon of milk? Can you buy a bag of groceries for a family with hungry children? We don't imagine in our own day to day lives that children in America go hungry. The verifiable trusth is they do.. Children in our own communities go to bed with aching bellys everynight because there was not enough to eat that day. Yes, in this current recession poverty is reaching the suburbs of America like never before.
Sometimes the help we give is not financial. It could be that someone just needs an ear to listen to them. A hug, emotional support through a difficult time. Someone to say they care. This can make the difference between hopelessness and hope.
So remember even the smallest effort can make such a profound difference to someone in need.
So here is my challenge and I will step up and help meet it along with you all.
Let's see if we can help 30 people in 30 days.

If you have a need now is the time to post it. Let's see how many we can help by 4/1/10! (just click on comments to leave your post)


  1. A man contacted me who is currently living in a borrowed vehicle and has no money and likely not enough to eat. Is there anyone who can help him? We will call him John for now until I have his permission to post his name and contact info. If anyone knows of a room and maybe a job for him to pay room and board please post your offers of help. Thank you!

  2. I live in Prince George so I would like to help someone in this area if I could. I check this post a couple times a day. Kathy

  3. I live in Chester and I can check a couple of times a day too.
